Monday, July 6, 2015

First Day of 5th Grade!

Today was CJ's first official day of 5th grade!

We started the day off with a Morning Meeting. This is something new for us, but something I really think we need. We just took a few minutes to go over the schedule for the week and talk about the things we would be doing this year. CJ told me he wanted to be a little more involved with his schedule, he wanted to have a say in what he was going to do. So, I had him sit down and put the loop lessons in the order he wanted to do them in. I've added a couple of things to the loop since my last post. This is what our loop list looks like now and the order he put them in:

Game Time
Life of Fred
Sign Language
Critical Thinking

After our Morning Meeting we headed outside for some first day of school pictures!  We are using a lighter schedule for now, until our co-op starts in September. That will be our Science, Writing, and History. For now, it's just Literature, Grammar, Multiplication Review, and the loop lessons.

Our first day looked like this:

9am Morning Meeting and First Day of School Pictures
9:15 - 9:45 Literature Reading - CJ has picked Treasure Planet for our first book
9:45 - 11:00 Loop

OK- so I admit we didn't stay on schedule too well. But we never do. My schedules are more like guidelines, so there was no surprise in that. But we made it through 2 loop items before lunch and did two after lunch (called it a day at 1:30), so the day was a success in my book! One day down-- 179 more to go!

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