Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What Our Homeschool Week Looks Like

We've been going for a little over a month now and I think we've found our groove. A typical week for us (if there is such a thing!) looks like this:

CNN Student News
Co-Op Classes 9:40 - 3:30
      IEW Writing, Real Science 4 Kids Physics, History Odyssey Modern Level One, Leadership and

CNN Student News
Writing-read source material and complete key word outline
Science-read chapter and take notes; finish writing lab report if not finished in class
History-20 minutes review countries for geography quiz; 20-30 minutes work on lesson
Math-Teaching Textbooks 6 one lesson
Spelling-2 pages
Vocabulary-16a and 16b
Grammar-Exercise 1 and 2
Reading-30 minutes independent reading (can be done before bed)
 Loop work until 3pm

CNN Student News
Writing-rough draft; revise and edit using checklist
Science-Daily Questions
History-20 minute country review for quiz; 20 minutes work on lesson 2
Math-Teaching Textbooks 6 one lesson
Read-30 minute independent reading (can be done before bed)
Spelling-2 pages
Vocabulary-16C and 16D
Grammar-exercise 3 and Playing with Words
Loop work until 3pm

CNN Student News
Writing-type polished copy
Science-20-30 minutes on project
History-20 minute country review for quiz; 20-30 minutes on project; finish lesson if needed
Math-Teaching Textbooks 6 one lesson
Spelling-spelling test
Reading-30 minutes independent reading (can do before bed)
Loop work until 3pm

CNN Student News
Science-20-30 minutes on project
History-20 minute country review for quiz; 20-30 minutes on project
Movie / Documentary Day

Sunday Evening
Science-review study guide for quiz; finish project if needed
History- review countries for geography quiz; finish project if needed

Loop subjects are (these have changed some since we started):
Game Time
Life of Fred
Sign Language
Uncle Sam and You
Photo Finch Photography

So far everything is going smoothly. I sit down on Sunday's and make out a checklist for each day. CJ likes to know exactly what he needs to be done for the day! We seem to be able to get through all of the daily things and still have time for one or two loop things.